Scam #179 5/4/2020 2:28:00 PM

Aged Twitter Accounts (2009.-2015.)

M Package (25 accounts) - 70$

S Package (10 accounts) - 30$
M Package (25 accounts) - 70$
L Package (50 accounts) - 130$
XL Package (100 accounts) - 250$

Accounts have random amount of tweets and followers, registered in 2009-2013.

Where you can contact me,PM me here!

Skype & Telegram : congmmo
ICQ : @652720497
Email : congmmo@gmail . com

Post Spam Content

Scamming Is Big Business

Please become part of our community and report your emails, text messages, and phone calls to us by posting them on our website.

There is no registration and no editing of posts. Simply post content that you come across from spam emails, text, or phone calls, or share personal stories to help others.

We encourage you to post samples of the text, content, or story you want to share. Our hope is to protect you from ever having to come across a particular scam so it is recognized as a fake or false email. If you just get a random email from someone unprovoked, trying to sell you something or convince you to invest in something, it is very likely a scam. The USA, FBI, CIA, and the U.S. Treasury cannot back your money up or retrieve it back once it leaves your bank account. So if anyone is asking for money, stop. Do not touch your bank accounts. You've worked too hard for your money. Time is money. Do your research before you share your scams. This business exists because the method is scamming: sending hundreds of thosuands of emails a day and hoping one will hit. Then business starts. Once people recognize the scam and no one uses it, that will cut them off and they have to do something else.

Feel free to support our cause and this website and make a charitable donation to help us keep it running!

Every year, millions of emails, phone calls, and text messages are received with fraudalent activity that convinces people to hand over their identity and hard earned money with just an email or two. Types of scams include lottery, charity, work-from-home schemes, get rich quick schemes, and many more. These scams are worldwide and the location of these scammes may vary. The fact that these scams continue and are only getting more clever and more abundant are because they are working. With natural disasters and other events happening frequently every year, there will always be scammers looking to cash in on the situation at hand. This website was created to try and help curb or stop scams completely. This website allows for you to share your scams and stories with us while remaining anonymous. We are just looking to spread the word to prevent people from falling for these tricks and being scammed.

Our mission is to expose as many scammers and scams as possible in order to protect you.

Facts about scamming:

You may not think you could be scammed, but it happens all the time. The slightest hint of generosity on your part could result in your entire life savings and identity being stolen.

Most commonly scammed people:

Major companies are scammed out of millions of dollars every year, including Facebook and Google, who are no strangers to scam artists tricking them into paying large sums of money.

Top countries involved in scams:

  1. Latvia and Nigeria
  2. Egypt
  3. United States
  4. Mexico
  5. Ukraine
  6. Hungary
  7. Malaysia
  8. Colombia
  9. Romania
  10. Philippines

Most common types of scams:

98 spam emails and most prominent keywords:

Helpful Resources

Consumer Information - Scam Alerts

Consumer Information - Phone Scam

Text Message Spam

Scams affect all of us

How Can I Identify a Phishing Website or Email?

U.S. Visas: Fraud Warning

Online Banking Email Fraud

Internet Phishing Alert Online Safety

Have You Received a Scam Phone Call?

Slam The Online Scam Statistics